Monday, February 17, 2025
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Pro-Line Pro-Fusion SC 4×4 Bag B Build – RCD Today Blog 1-10-19

Yesterday we began the build on our Pro-Line Racing Pro-Fusion SC 4×4 and successfully assembled the differentials and started a bit of chassis work. You can see the Bag A Build HERE. The fit and finish of the parts was perfect so far and we’re moving on to the next bag. Bag B of the kit is assembling the front gearcase, suspension pivots and arms. With a quick inspection, the parts quality continues to impress with stout composite arms, aluminum hinge pin blocks and a tuff looking gear case. Build time!

Product Pro-Fusion SC 4×4
Part Number: 4006-00
Price: $399.99
Link To Buy: http://bit.ly/2H3WrYw Use Code RCDRIVER10 to save 10% on your entire Pro-Line order at checkout.

First up in the build today is installing the suspension pin inserts into the machined aluminum pivot blocks. The blocks are strong, but if you are a wild, no holding back basher, you may want to take a look at the option blocks. For our SC build and our driving style, these are more than perfect. When installing the inserts, just make certain to line up the dots on the inserts with the dots on the blocks.

Next is installing the bearings into the gearcase followed by the outdrive/bevel pinion and securing it with one of the two clip options. There is a C-clip and a snap ring clip. We have snap ring pliers in our collection from Harbor Freight so we used the snap ring.

Did you see our Pro-Line Racing Pro MT 4×4 Review? See it HERE

The front differential then gets tucked into the gearcase and a lower brace is slipped into position. Make certain you use the corect brace with the ramp so it doesn’t interfer with the gears.

After the differential cap is installed you can slip in the hinge pins and suspension arms. The top will need spacers that you can use to adjust caster if you want to tune your truck. Slip the front hinge pin plates in place and secure them with the provided long hardware.

Here is a look at the hinge pin braces in place.

BAG B Finished

This bag was farily simple to complete, just make certain you use the right brace plate mentioned above and put the pin inserts in properly or your truck may not handle properly. Bag C is up next of course, we’re not going to skip around. Check back often for blog updates!

For More Information, visit Pro-Line Racing HERE

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