Monday, February 17, 2025
traxxas sale

Go Fast, Go Big & Go Bash! – 2018 ARRMA TALION 6S BLX

Truggies have certainly surged in popularity among the basher crowd. Truggies exhibit awesome handling and are generally tough, so they can handle tumbles after some sick air. ARRMA delivered RC bashers a cool truggy with the Talion, but in typically ARRMA fashion, they have been refining the Talion to be even better and the 2018 version appears to be pretty exciting. They boast 70mph speeds with the new Arrma Talion 6X BLX and they’ve made several improvements to make this beast handle even more abuse. If you want a ready to run, big ⅛ electric brushless truggy that can deliver nonstop action in the speed and stunt department, the Talion certainly has a lot to offer! See for yourself.

Product: TALION 6S BLX
Part Number: ARAD88**
Price: $499.99
Link: https://www.arrma-rc.com/talion/


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