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Ask Tony: Hey, I Got Your Answer!

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RC Driver magazine, c/o Editors’ Inbox, 42 Old Ridgebury Road, Danbury, CT 06810, or email editorsinbox@rcdriver.com.

This article was originally published in RC Driver’s July 2016 issue.

Hi Tony! I saw you guys did a review on the Dromida brushless minis. Would you recommend this series and are they as fast as they look? Thanks!
Marcus H.
Southend of Sea, England

Hey Marcus, A while back we reviewed the brushed versions of the Dromida 1/18 scale versions. They were pretty good little cars, but speed certainly wasn’t one of their selling points. A few issues ago we had the pleasure of putting the same cars to the test again, but this time they were stuffed with brushless systems. The new versions were so fast that it surprised both Greg and I. This speed, though, does have a downside in that it made them almost impossible to drive on loose dirt. Find some compact soil or smooth pavement and these little buggers will impress. My favorite was the definitely the DB4.8BL with its open wheel design and lightbar. You should pick that one! Good luck.

Hey Tony. I purchased a Castle Cre- ations Sidewinder ESC, but it didn’t come with set up instructions. I’ve installed it in my car, but can’t figure out how to set it up. Any help would be great.
Honolulu, HI

Hi William, Castle’s setup system is actually quite easy. First, make sure the battery is plugged in, the car is up off the tires (in case something happens) and your radio is on. Now, hold full throttle on the transmitter and turn the ESC on. After a few seconds (still holding full throttle) you should hear a few tones from the ESC and a red LED will come on. Immediately push the trigger to full brake – another few seconds pass and you’ll hear more tones and see a yellow light. Finally, move the throttle to neutral; once again, you will hear a few tones and all the lights should come on. Wait a few more seconds and the ESC will arm itself; you’ll hear a double tone. That’s it. If this seems too complicated, you can head over too Castle’s website and download their Driver’s Ed Guide which has all the info you’ll need.

Hey Tony. What are some tips you can give a novice oval driver that wants to try to tame an off-road track? Thanks!
Michael E.
Battle Creek, MI

Hi Michael, As an oval driver, you should already have basic car control under your belt. Something that is going to help the most is probably the simplest thing; practice. For the first couple of times at the track, just practice smooth driving and avoid crashing. You’ll also need to learn timing; the ability to approach different jumps with the right amount of speed to clear it. Once you’ve semi-mastered those two things, work on tweaking your setup to make the car easier to drive. As a seasoned racer, I can tell you that it’s not about going as fast as you can right off the bat. Learn how your car handles, how to drive without crashing and how to change a setup option when needed and the speed will come naturally. Good luck!

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