Sunday, February 9, 2025
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Track Tuesdays: JMW Motorsports Inc. R/C Park

JMW Motorsports Inc. R/C Park

What could be more important to an RC racer than their RC itself? Well, probably not much… but, coming in at a close second place is certainly our local track we have the pleasure of calling “home.” Whether this is a simple track torn into our backyard or the local track carefully planned and taken care of, they serve a very important aspect in fulfilling a RC racer’s passion: a place to practice and have fun. Every Tuesday here at RC Driver we’ll be featuring a local track known as home to its local RC racers and RC enthusiasts. Ever wonder what other tracks out of town are like? Or do you ever want your home track to be seen and known by other RC racers? Then make sure to read the latest Track Tuesday feature. Your local home track might be the next up!

JMW Motorsports Inc. R/C Park

12800 Genito Rd
Midlothian, Virginia
The last few featured tracks for Track Tuesdays have been quite amazing and interesting with their own unique characteristics, and this week’s track aims for nothing short of the same. To say JMW Motorsports Inc. R/C Park is a track for various styles of RC enthusiasts would be an understatement, because simple put, they’re aiming to have every style of RC activity you can think of! If you have an interest in different types of RCs pastimes or pals who have separate RC hobbies than you, then JMW is most likely your best bet at getting the most options in one location. Between its off road area and its neighboring Southside Speedway race track, JMW hosts a paved oval, a concrete drag strip, a paved road course, two dirt ovals, a rock crawl, a super cross, a freestyle area, a heli area; and to put the cherry on top they host demolition derbys, and monster trucks, too. Now try and tell your RC buds all of that without taking a breather! Add a parts store and the fun bonus of the park being attached to the local Southside Speedway race track, and JMW instantly becomes an all-in-one package. If you are in the Virginia area, JMW is a most-go destination, but if you’re on the east coast in general, it’s definitely recommended here at RC Driver to plan a trip to JMW at some point if you can.

Contact Information


JMW Motorsports Inc. R/C Park Facebook Page


JMW Motosports R/C Park
JMW’s huge off-road area.
JMW Motorsports Paved Track
JMW’s 200 foot paved oval on the Southside Speedway track.

One comment

  1. Just learned of the track. Would like to come out on a weekend.

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