Sunday, February 16, 2025
traxxas sale

Ask Tony: Hey, I Got Your Answer!

Have a question or comment?

Hey Tony. I’m looking to buy an adult male friend a Viper RC car (He’s in his late 60s – early 70s). I’m not sure where to look locally and looking online has been confusing. Basically, what I am looking for is an out of the box, ready to drive, awesome looking Dodge Viper either 1992 or latest ACR. Any direction you can send me? This will be a Christmas gift from his Bible Study class.
Johnny, Arnold, MD

Hi Johnny, Fortunately there is a Viper option available; unfortunately it’s not available in the RTR (Ready To Run) format you’re looking for. HPI (www. hpiracing.com) makes a 2003 Dodge Viper GTS-R body that might fit the bill, however you’ll need to get it painted and mounted onto a 190mm (or 200mm) wide RTR touring car. The process isn’t all that difficult and could be completed by just about anyone with some RC experience, so my suggestion would be to visit a local hobby shop or track and see if you can find someone that might help you out. Since this would be a custom Viper build, this would make this an even more special gift! Good luck!

Hi Tony! I have an old 1:10 scale 2WD buggy and I want to increase the rear tire size slightly. I am currently running 2.2 buggy wheels and cross block tires. This works great when the tires are new but they quickly turn to slicks. I was looking at maybe a monster truck tire with thicker tread. So my question is, what size is the next biggest with regards to buying both wheels and tires? Do I still go 2.2 wheel and different profile tire? And will up sizing the rubber on the rear mean changing from 12mm hex and/or buggy fronts?
SamIAm, Australia

Hey SamIAm, It sounds to me like the problem isn’t so much the size or tread pattern as much as the compound you are using. Most 2.2 buggy tires come in soft compounds that are designed for maximum traction depending on the surface you are running on. This is great for racing but pretty much sucks for casual play. My suggestion, and the easiest fix here, would be to look for some tires that are molded in a hard compound. This should extend their tread life quite a bit. However, if you’re set on up-sizing your treads, there are a few things to take note of. First, you need to make sure that whatever wheel selection you go with (be it 1/10 buggy, truck or monster truck), the hex size matches the one on your buggy (12mm, etc.) Second, there’s wheel/tire offset. Basically, offset is the distance, either in or out, from the wheel mounting point. Because of the width of the tires, truck and MT tires have a larger offset than buggy tires, meaning they will extend closer to the chassis. This can cause interference with things like the shocks, body, wing, etc. Finally, since truck and MT tires are also taller, you’ll need to adjust the gearing on your buggy so you don’t overheat the ESC and motor. I’ve seen quite a few enthusiasts out having a great time with 1:10 buggy sporting 1:10 truck tires, you’ll just need to make sure you take a few precautions to make sure you
maximize your fun! Good luck.

Hey Tony, I’m looking for a 1/5 Late Model RC. Is there anything like that available?
Adam, Fargo, ND

Hey Adam, There are a couple options for 1/5 Late Model cars, but unfortunately nothing that comes as a prepackaged kit. You’ll need to piece one together, but it’s really not all that hard. First off, you’ll need a 1/5 scale vehicle; either HPI’s Baja 5B/5T or Losi’s 5IVE-T will prove to be the best starting point. Bodies can be purchased through aftermarket companies like Ronshop Racing (www.ronshop.net). These bodies are made from a hefty piece of Lexan and come with all the mounting hardware to make them fit. If you’re going to get serious about racing, I would finalize the build with a tuning spring set, performance tires and some no-grow foam tire inserts. Good luck and shoot us some pictures of your ride when you have it completed.

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