Saturday, February 8, 2025
traxxas sale

Ask Tony: Hey, I Got Your Answer!

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This article was originally published in RC Driver’s June 2016 issue.

Hi Tony! I recently purchased the Dromida DT 4.18. My question is, if I upgrade to a LiPo battery will the stock charger work or will I have to buy a separate charger? Thanks in advance.
Mario Oakland,

CA Hey Mario
The Dromida series are perfect for beginners who want something to test their skills in RC. I have a few friends that have picked them up and loved them, advancing to more competitive (and expensive) models a bit later. Like you, they’ve wanted to upgrade the power with either the brushless system or LiPo battery. The good news is that Dromida does sell an aftermarket LiPo battery that will fit right into the Dromida chassis  no modifications needed. The bad news is that you will need a new charger. There are quite a few entry level chargers out there that will work, so maybe a quick visit to your local hobby shop will give you some ideas. Good luck!

Hey Tony. I have been trying to figure out the official length of the Dromida MT4.18 shocks and their Long Blue Aluminum shock upgrade if it is different, but I can’t seem to find them anywhere. I want to know the exact end to end length because I am wondering if any of these aftermarket shocks for various other trucks might work; such as ones with progressive springs, dual rate, and piggy back reservoirs. I have even seen a set of internal spring air shocks which would all be great for the kind of driving I use it for. Hope you can help!
Sam, Shady Cove, OR

Hey Sam
Unfortunately I don’t have any Dromida vehicles here to check the length, but I’m pretty sure that the aluminum upgrade shocks are the same length as the stock ones. I haven’t seen other shocks with progressive springs or piggyback reservoirs, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. I’m assuming you have a MT4.18, so I would pop a shock off and mea- sure it with something like a ruler or measuring tape that will give you the length you’re searching for. A tip: if you find a set that is close but a bit too long, you can always put shims on the inside to limit the down travel and, in the same instance, shorten the shock. Good luck on your search.

Hey Tony. When is Traxxas going to make an electric 1/8 4WD buggy to compete with the big boys? They hit a home run on the Slash and Slayer, but they just can’t compete on a track with Losi or Team Associated. Don’t get me wrong, Traxxas has the best basher line up out there. They have the proven product, build team and designers and engineers, so why not make a race buggy to hang with the big boys? Maybe they’re scared? Just wondering… Boondock Saint, Clarion, PA

Hi Boondock
I’ll have to agree that Traxxas does have a killer lineup of vehicles they’ve been popular for quite some time with the basher crowd. They do have the build team and designers to build a competitive 1/8-scale buggy, but the big question is … why would they? As unfortunate as it is, racing is only a very, very, very small percentage of this industry maybe 5-7% of all vehicles purchased ever see a track. Traxxas has, and probably always will, focus on the bigger picture the beginners those that purchase the RC car for fun. While I would love to see a line of pure racing vehicles from Traxxas, I think they’re doing exactly what they need to do build solid vehicles that get people interested in our hobby. —Tony

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