Sunday, February 9, 2025
traxxas sale

Killer Deal! Castle Mamba Monster X Introductory Promotion

Mamba-Monster-X-Maniax-logo copy

For a limited time, you can be one of the FIRST to put the new Mamba Monster X to the eXtreme test: your vehicle! Bashing, racing, monster truck, rock racer or super scale crawler, don’t miss this opportunity to get a great deal.

As Castle prepares for mass production, they will have a limited quantity of the first production run Monster X units available. They want you to have them, and if you complete the steps below, they will give you a $75 coupon for your feedback.

Here’s how the Monster X ManiaX program works.

Step 1: Purchase a new Monster X ESC or Monster X ESC + Motor combo at special introductory pricing, and you’ll be part of an eXclusive club, the Monster X ManiaX.

Introductory pricing:
Monster X ESC only + $75 coupon: $170.00
Monster X ESC + 1515 2200KV motor + $75 coupon: $250
Monster X ESC + 1512 2650KV motor + $75 coupon: $250
However, like any good club, there are some things we will need from you.

Step 2: Fill out a Monster X ManiaX survey after you’ve installed and run your Monster X

Step 3: Provide Castle Creations with some high-quality images or video of your Monster X-equipped vehicle (build and action)

Step 4: Provide Castle Creations with a Monster X testimonial that will help all your R/C friends understand just how awesome the new Monster X really is!

Complete all of these steps and Castle will send you $75.00 to be redeemed on your next purchase at www.castlecreations.com.

But don’t delay – we are only taking a VERY LIMITED number of orders for the Monster X ManiaX program. The first run of Monster X units will be manufactured and shipped to you before the end of July. Then it’s up to YOU to show us – and your fellow R/C enthusiasts – just how eXtreme YOUR builds can be.

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