Saturday, December 7, 2024

Transmitter Transformation

By David Baker

Change the color of your radio to match your ride or style

I like to change anything from its box-stock form. That includes my transmitters. I was painting my radios silver long before they were available in silver. Sometimes they didn’t come out as planned but once they started ge ing the usual bumps and bruises I didn’t much care. I just liked that I could tell my radios apart from everyone else’s. When I first started painting them there was not a selection of plastic-specific paints like there is today and not all paints adhered as well as necessary. Now, thanks to brands like Plasti-Kote, Krylon and Rustoleum you are sure to find a color to suit your tastes.

The process can be relatively simple, depending on which radio you wish to paint. I am giving my Futaba T3PL the orange treatment. Some radios I’ve painted required disassembly and removal of the internal electronics to do it prop- erly but the T3PL will only require simple masking of a few areas. Keep in mind that any modification could void any warranty.

It’s my backyard…anything goes! If you have some ideas for what should show up on this page please email me at backyard@rcdriver.com

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